We invite you to learn more about the goHappy Hub Employee Engagement Model. The white paper describes how the Model measures the engagement level of employees, and provides a framework for aligning the organization and its managers around the actions that will drive higher engagement and bottom-line results.
"Your Employees’ Engagement is driven by their Employee Experience, which consists of how Valued and Connected they feel. And, as their Leader, you directly impact how Valued and Connected they feel by how well you perform three key Actions: Appreciate, Connect and Coach."
Although our model is relevant for all workers, we designed it specifically for hourly and front-line employees. This is the employee segment in most organizations that has the highest percentage of disengaged workers and, thus, holds the greatest need and potential for improvement.
The goHappy engagement model was designed to help managers focus more of their time on activities that have a direct and measurable impact on engagement. The model includes three sets of actions that when carried out create a positive employee experience: Appreciate, Connect, & Coach.
Listed below are the drivers that most contribute to each of those feelings; all of which are largely under the control of the organization and its managers.
Engagement is the emotional connection that results from the employee’s overall workplace experience. In our model, engagement is demonstrated through three behavioral outcomes:
Frontline Employee Engagement Survey: Research-driven, and built for the Frontline, sent out via text, takes 3 minutes or less to complete. Rolled up in clean, actionable, custom reports for you and your team.
Fill out the form below and download the Frontline Employee Engagement White Paper Now.